Improved relationship with food

The number on the scale will NOT shake your confidence

€140 a month

There is a gray area between a positive self-image and a full-blown eating disorder, which many people find themselves in. A lifetime of brainwashing about how you should look and how much you "should weigh" is not something that can be shaken off easily. However, you have to live with yourself your entire life, so it is important that you are happy with your own body. Do you dare to really tackle this now and change your self-image for the better?


  • positive self image
  • number on the scale doesn't dictate your feelings
  • eating enough
  • no more guilt around food


  • tackling your concerns one by one
  • unlimited messaging and support
  • weekly call
  • support with mindset


  • Intake
  • Bespoke plan
  • Extensive guidance

You'll get:

  • a more positive self-image
  • a more relaxed attitude around food
  • a more relaxed attitude around your weight

Go for it!

Are you fed up with feeling bad about yourself because you weigh just a little bit more than you "should"? Are you tired of feeling guilty because you ate just a little bit too much? Start your journey to an improved self-esteem under my guidance.

The challenges

This path is not simple, because you will challenge certain beliefs and patterns in yourself and try to change them to something new. You will definitely encounter difficult moments, you will even consciously seek them out! You will have to trust me as your coach. I know what is sufficient and healthy food for you, and you will really "have to" eat this. The number on the scale can go up. We consciously seek this out, to show you that you are still allowed to be there, even if you eat a bit more and weigh a bit more.

The solutions

The solutions depend very much on what you are most concerned about: the number on the scale, or avoiding certain food groups. However, the solution is always in the mental sphere, so we will try to break through certain thought patterns and replace them with new ones.


The ultimate result is that you feel completely relaxed about food and your weight, but I can honestly say that this is not immediately realistic. A realistic result after 3 months of coaching is that you take steps, that you recognize when you fall into unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and that you still know how to do the right thing. You cannot easily get rid of feelings and emotions that you have built up over the years, but you can accept them and then rationally make a different choice. If you do this long enough, then an ultimate result is that you can permanently feel different about your weight and your self-image.

Do you want to take steps with me to change your relationship with food and weight?

Schedule a free introduction call and tell me your story. We will find out quickly enough whether I can help you!

Other services

healthy lifestyle
bowl of food
€500 for 3 months weight loss phase + 1 month aftercare

Losing weight

  • learn how to lose weight permanently
  • learn positive new eating habits
  • discover that losing weight is about more than the number on the scale
  • personal attention
  • weekly call
powerful lifestyle
€ 500 for 3 months bulking/cutting phase + 1 month aftercare

Eating for strength sports

  • boost your results in the gym by eating well
  • learn in 3 months how to effectively eat for strength sports
  • know your energy balance and macro's
  • learn how to design a diet based on your goal (fat loss, muscle growth)
  • learn how and when to use bulking and cutting cycles to reach your long term goals

Do you have any questions?

No problem. Plan a free intro call