Lose weight

Say goodbye to strict dieting, say hello to eating well!

€500 for 3 months fat loss phase + 1 month aftercare

This method to lose weight permanently focuses on the process. With consistency, perseverance and the right mindset you'll crush your goals!

Example goals

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Permanent weight loss
  • Fat loss
  • Building healthy eating habits


  • In Utrecht or online
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Weekly call


  • Extensive intake
  • Personalised approach
  • Intensive guidance

Results for you

  • knowledge about healthy eating
  • skills to coach yourself
  • confidence boost
  • positive mindset

Go for it!

Are you ready to change? Reach your goal under my guidance. Whether you want to live a healthy lifestyle, to lose weight permanently, or to reduce your body fat percentage: the core approach is the same. Focus on learning new habits, learning what you can do to achieve your goal and how to incorporate the lessons learned into your life. I'll monitor your progress and adjust the approach when necessary. With this package, you will work on your goal for 3 months, and I'll provide aftercare for one month to guide you back to eating at maintenance. If you stop losing weight and start eating around your (new) energy balance again, you may gain some weight. That's why I want to offer you aftercare in the form of reassurance, explanation of what is happening and answer all your questions about this.

The challenges

It won't always be easy, that's expected and normal. That's why I'm here for you: to support you. Everyone encounters different challenges, and we'll look for ways to make the process work for you. Common challenges are: relapsing into old behavior, dealing with dinners and parties, dealing with mental blocks, dealing with dips in motivation. Perfectly healthy food does not exist, we aim for good enough and being able to keep it up. You won't have to say goodbye to certain types of food, no worries.

The solutions

Every challenge requires a different solution. The neat thing is: the solution is already within you, you have to try to "unlock" it. I will help you with this. See it as a kind of game: under my guidance, you'll try all kinds of things to solve your personal challenges. If one way doesn't work, there are always others to try. You don't have to do this alone, I'm on your side.


It may sound strange: achieving a certain number on the scale is not the most important result. The most important result is that you have confidence in yourself. That you have been able to change your mindset from "can I do this?" to a convincing "holy shit, I can do this!" I don't want you to have to take endless coaching from me, I want you to know how to lose weight sustainable, and be able to continue on your own.

Sounds good, let's start!

The coaching trajectory starts with an extensive intake. You can plan this yourself in advance. Or, if you have any questions, you can plan a free, no-obligation introduction with me. See if my approach matches with your preferences, and then decide whether you want coaching.

Other services

nutrition & mental health
€140 per month

Improved relationship with food

  • The number on the scale has too much impact on how you feel.
  • You want to change this, but you don't know how.
  • Work with me to improve your relationship with food and the number on the scale.
  • Learn how to feel more relaxed about food.
  • Boost your confidence!
powerful lifestyle
€ 500 for 3 months bulking/cutting phase + 1 month aftercare

Eating for strength sports

  • boost your results in the gym by eating well
  • learn in 3 months how to effectively eat for strength sports
  • know your energy balance and macro's
  • learn how to design a diet based on your goal (fat loss, muscle growth)
  • learn how and when to use bulking and cutting cycles to reach your long term goals

Do you have any questions?

No problem. Plan a free intro call